Safeguarding Policy
2024/25 Safeguarding Policy

We take the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults very seriously, and we endeavor to regularly review and improve our safeguarding practices to ensure that we are working within current best practice.

Useful Contacts:

  • If you are a child and you need to talk to someone about things that are happening to you that you don’t like, please click on this link which takes you the Childline website, or telephone Childline on 0800 1111
  • If you need to report a safeguarding concern to the statutory authorities in Sussex, please click on this link, click on the option on the left that most describes the situation you are concerned about, and follow the advice and further links you find there. Please remember to contact the Diocesan Safeguarding Team as well once you have contacted the statutory authorities.

Further information regarding Safeguarding can be found at